Date: 2 August 1980 01:55-EDT From: Alan Bawden Subject: a metric for the cube group. To: CUBE-HACKERS at MIT-MC, McKeeman at PARC-MAXC First off, a metric is a function (call it D) that assigns a non-negitive number to every pair of points in some set. This number is to be thought off as the distance between those two points. The function must satisfy the following: For all a, b and c 1) D(a,b) >= 0 2) D(a,b) = D(b,a) 3) D(a,b) = 0 if and only if a = b 4) D(a,b) + D(b,c) >= D(a,c) (Number 4 is usually called the "triangle inequality". It is the constraint that most makes D act like a distance, and not something random.) We wish to construct a metric on the set of all attainable cube configurations. So from now on, those lower case letters will represent cube configurations. Now we have recently been talking a lot about methods of counting the number of "twists" that it takes to perform certain manipulations of the cube. We have been looking for a function (call it T) that assigns a non-negitive integer to each manipulation. I claim that it is obvious that any such function should satisfy the following: For all M and N 1) T(M) >= 0 3) T(M) = 0 if and only if M = I (I is the identity manipulation) 4) T(M) + T(N) >= T(MN) (We adopt the convention of using upper case letters to represent manipulations. Also we shall use M' to denote the inverse manipulation from M.) Now manipulations can be applied to configurations to yeild other configurations. We use aM to denote the configuration resulting from applyint the manipulation M to the configuration a. (Note that (aM)N = a(MN), so we may omit the parens and simply write aMN.) Now how may we use our twist measuring function T to obtain a metric on the configurations? Again I think it is obvious that we wish the relationship D(a,aN) = T(N) to be true for all configurations a, and all manipulations N. It is easy to show that given that D(a,aN) = T(N), metric property number 1 is equivalent to twist measure property number 1. Similarly for numbers 3 and 4. But what about metric property number 2? Well, if T(N) = D(a,aN), and D(a,aN) = D(aN,a) (property 2!), and a = aNN', then we have that T(N) = D(aN,aNN') = T(N'). So the missing property of twist measures must be that T(N) = T(N'). So this means that if we agree that T(L) = 1, and we like metrics (how can we use words like "distance" unless we have a metric?), then T(LLL) = T(L') = T(L) = 1. We can argue about T(LL) some other time!