Date: 4 NOV 1980 0023-EST From: DCP at MIT-MC (David C. Plummer) Subject: Christman Cross algorithm described To: CUBE-HACKERS at MIT-MC Let the following notation exist: the faces: T=Top B=Bottom F=Front P=Posterior (Rear, Back, but those letters are taken) R=Right L=Left The rotations: + Clockwise - Clockwise ++ 180 Rotation (Two moves) Note that the following algorithm exchanges corners diagonally on top and bottom: (Parens for major functional components) (+F+P)(++T++B)(-F-P)(-R-L)(++T++B)(+R+L)(++T++B) This is now a tool. To do the Christman Cross, we do -P [(+F+P)(++T++B)(-F-P)(-R-L)(++T++B)(+R+L)(++T++B)] +P but since transforms associate, and F and P commute, and -P+P = I, we get (+F)(++T++B)(-F-P)(-R-L)(++T++B)(+R+L)(++T++B) +P Which is 20 quarter twists. David Christman thinks he read in Singmaster, Edition 5 that this cross can be done in less than 20 quarter twists. Can somebody confirm or deny this recolection.