Date: 16 February 1981 2327-EST (Monday) From: Jim Saxe, Dan Hoey at CMU-10A To: Cube-Lovers at MIT-MC Subject: Four colors suffice CC: Mary Shaw at CMU-10A, Paul Hilfinger at CMU-10A, Bill Wulf at CMU-10A, Dorothea Haken at CMU-10A Sender: Dan Hoey at CMU-10A Reply-To: Dan Hoey at CMU-10A Message-Id: <16Feb81 232721 DH51@CMU-10A> Douglas Hofstadter, in the Metamagical Themas column in Scientific American this month, shows two alternate ways of coloring a cube. Both suffer from two drawbacks: They fail to distinguish all cube positions, and they use more than six colors. This seems inefficient to us, since there is a coloring of the cube which distinguishes all elements of the Supergroup and uses only four colors (and which, like Hofstadter's colorings and the standard coloring, satisfies the restriction that every whole-cube move is a color permutation, as discussed in point 2 below). Our coloring, called the Tartan, is formed by assigning the colors blue, green, red, and yellow to the four pairs of antipodal corners of the cube. Thus for each face of the cube, the four corners of the face are assigned four different colors. We use the term ``plaid'' to denote such an assignment of colors to the corners of a square. To color the cube, divide each facelet of each cubie into four squares, and color the squares so all facelets on a side of the cube display the plaid associated with that face. The result is shown below, with the initial assignment of colors to corners in lower case. (r)---------------(y) | R Y R Y R Y | | B G B G B G | | | | R Y R Y R Y | | B G B G B G | | | | R Y R Y R Y | | B G B G B G | (r)---------------(b)---------------(g)---------------(y) | R B R B R B | B G B G B G | G Y G Y G Y | | G Y G Y G Y | Y R Y R Y R | R B R B R B | | | | | | R B R B R B | B G B G B G | G Y G Y G Y | | G Y G Y G Y | Y R Y R Y R | R B R B R B | | | | | | R B R B R B | B G B G B G | G Y G Y G Y | | G Y G Y G Y | Y R Y R Y R | R B R B R B | (g)---------------(y)---------------(r)---------------(b) | Y R Y R Y R | | G B G B G B | | | | Y R Y R Y R | | G B G B G B | | | | Y R Y R Y R | | G B G B G B | (g)---------------(b) | G B G B G B | | R Y R Y R Y | | | | G B G B G B | | R Y R Y R Y | | | | G B G B G B | | R Y R Y R Y | (r)---------------(y) To understand the importance of the Tartan, there are several points to consider: 1. By reading off the four colors of a plaid in clockwise order, starting at an arbitrary point, we obtain four permutations of the four colors. Quadruples read from different faces are disjoint, so all 24 permutations of the four colors appear on the Tartan, once each. 2. Every motion in the group C of whole-cube rotations is a permutation of the pairs of antipodal corners, and so corresponds to a recoloring of the Tartan. Some restriction of this sort is necessary to prevent us from simply drawing a different black-and-white picture on each facelet and calling that a two-coloring. 3. Point 2 implies that C is isomorphic to a subgroup of S4, the group of permutations on the four colors. But both C and S4 have 24 elements, so C is isomorphic to S4 itself (a fact well-known to crystallographers). 4. Since every color permutation is realizable by a whole-cube move, there is only one Tartan (up to whole-cube moves). This is why we use colors as labels, rather than some FLUBRDoid positional scheme. [The actual choice of colors and the name ``Tartan'' arise from the DoD Ironman project.] 5. Every reflection of the Tartan is color-equivalent to a rotation. In particular, the identity is color-equivalent to a reflection through the center of the cube. If you were to lend your Tartan to someone who ran it through a looking-glass, you could not discover the fact except by removing the face-center caps and examining the screw threads! We have constructed a Tartan from a Rubik's cube and colored tape. Due to the similar appearance of the plaids, it takes us several times as long to solve the Tartan as it takes to solve Rubik's cube. Our search for pretty patterns has not been particularly rewarding. Part of the reason seems to be that the cube's appearance is strongly constrained by the Tartan's coloring. On Rubik's cube one may make a particular face pattern (e.g. orange T on white background) using any of several identically colored facelets. On the Tartan, however, the plaid on any facelet of a cubie, together with the orientation of the plaid relative to the cubie, determines the plaid and orientation of the other facelet(s) of the cubie. The one nice pattern we have is in fact the conceptual precursor to the Tartan. It is Pons Asinorum (FFBBUUDDLLRR) applied to the position shown in the diagram above. In this position, the plaids of adjacent facelets line up with each other to display the same arrangement of plaids, magnified by a factor of two. Each face looks like the following, for some assignment of colors to the numbers 1 through 4: (1)---------------(2) | 1 2 2 1 1 2 | | 4 3 3 4 4 3 | | | | 4 3 3 4 4 3 | | 1 2 2 1 1 2 | | | | 1 2 2 1 1 2 | | 4 3 3 4 4 3 | (4)---------------(3)