Date: 13 May 1982 23:44-EDT From: David C. Plummer Subject: 4 x 4 x 4 To: BSG at SCRC-TENEX cc: ALAN at MIT-MC, DCP at MIT-MC, CUBE-LOVERS at MIT-MC Indeed, I have one also. I thought about solving it for a couple of months now. Never wrote anything down, I think I just have a working knowledge of the types of transforms needed. It took me about 1.5 hours to solve it. I thought I had ALL the necessary tools, but there is still one tool that alludes me. It happens half the time, and when I get it, I try to mess it up just enough to allow it to be solved again. As ACW pointed out, most intuition about edges and centers is WRONG. The first thing I tried to the original solved cube was the extended Pons. Much to my dismay, it didn't work. So if you think you know how to extend your 3x3x3 transforms to the 4x4x4, put your fingers where your mouth is!!