Date: 30 Nov 1982 18:16-EST From: hoey at CMU-10A Subject: Pentominoes To: CSD.TAJNAI at SU-SCORE, Cube-Lovers at MIT-MC A friend of mine has a set of pentominoes called ``Quintillions'', available from Kadon Enterprises, Inc. 1227 Lorene, Suite 16 Pasadena MD 21122 Basic Quintillions is a set containing the twelve planar pentominoes for $29.00. Super Quintillions is a set containing the nonplanar pentominoes for $39.00. (The literature says there are eighteen pieces, but I think there are only seventeen nonplanar pentominoes. Perhaps they include some extra piece so you can make a 3x5x6 rectangular prism) The basic set is a high-quality puzzle, each piece laser-cut from a single piece of wood, with a velour box. If you want to make your own, you can glue little cubes together. Here are patterns for the planar pentominoes: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X For the nonplanar pieces, let U, D, and B stand for cubes on the upper level, lower level, and both levels. The pieces I know of are as follows, where an asterisk denotes a piece that can be reflected to form a new piece: * * * * * * B D D D B D D D B D U B D D B D D B D D D B D D B D B D D B D D D D D B B D B D D D