From Thu Mar 23 01:17:30 1995 Return-Path: Received: from WVNVM.WVNET.EDU by (4.1/AI-4.10) for /com/archive/cube-lovers id AA26885; Thu, 23 Mar 95 01:17:30 EST Received: from WVNVM.WVNET.EDU by WVNVM.WVNET.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R2) with BSMTP id 5739; Thu, 23 Mar 95 00:30:04 EST Received: from WVNVM.WVNET.EDU (NJE origin BRYAN@WVNVM) by WVNVM.WVNET.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 1930; Thu, 23 Mar 1995 00:30:04 -0500 Message-Id: Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 00:29:47 -0500 (EST) From: "Jerry Bryan" To: "Cube Lovers List" Subject: Some Thoughts on Representative Elements I would like to make some comments on representative elements, but first there are some preliminaries. In some of his recent notes, Martin Schoenert has carefully distinguished between processes, operations, and states. For the purposes of this note, I wish to distinguish between processes and operations on the one hand, and states on the other hand. For this one note alone, I will always use upper case letters for processes and operations, and lower case letters for states. In functional notation, we often (e.g., calculus) see such things as y=F(x). "Function" is synonymous with "operation", and I will use the two terms somewhat interchangeably. In calculus, function composition is often written something like y=FoG(x)=F(G(x)), where the "o" is the best simulation I can do in E-mail of the typical function composition symbol. As has been discussed several times in this forum, the FoG type of notation is interpreted right-to-left, but in group theory we more typically write GF for function composition, and it is interpreted left-to-right. With the left-to-right notation, the function argument (if it is written) can be written on the right as y=GF(x) or on the left as y=(x)GF. I gather that most of Cube-Lovers do not like the latter convention, but I am going to use it anyway. Indeed, as long as we are utterly rigorous in our upper-case/lower-case convention, we can dispense with the parentheses and write y=xGF (or simply y=xF if the function F is a single function). Parentheses can then be used for grouping without any ambiguity that they might be denoting arguments. We let G be the cube group and g be the set of cube states. We can observe that each X in G is a function on g. Furthermore, each X in G is a one-to-one function from g onto g. Hence, each inverse X' exists. These facts are so obvious that they are virtually never stated. But we are about to talk about representative elements, and things are much less well behaved when we talk about representatives. One more preliminary: the idea that a state can be identified with the operation which effects the state when applied to Start can be expressed as x=iX. Hence, there is a one-to-one correspondence between g and G, and we have |g|=|G|. Again, things get much more unruly when we start talking about representatives. Also, we can define the composition of the states x and y as xy=(iX)(iY)=i(XY)=iXY, and this equation defines an obvious isomorphism between g and G. We will use * as the symbol for a selection function on the M-conjugacy classes of g. We will write * as a postfix operator so that it reads left-to-right with the rest of our operators. We have x*=Repr{N'xN} for all N in M, the set of 48 rotations and reflections. Note that * is not uniquely determined. There are approximately |M| ^ (|G| / |M|) possible choices for *, which is a truly large number when compared with |G|. It is conceivable that we might be able to prove some result for one particular choice of * that would not be true for every choice of *. In general, however, we will assume that * is fixed but arbitrary. * is a function from g into (but not onto) g. We let g* be the set of representative states, and * is a function from g onto g*. The function * does not have an inverse, but if we consider * to be a relation, then the inverse relation *' simply maps each representative x* in g* back to the entire M-conjugacy class of x*. Consider the restriction of * to the set g*. At this point, * is not very useful, because it is simply the identity. Define the set Q* as Q* = {F*, R*, L*, B*, U*, D*, F'*, R'*, L'*, B'*, U'*, D'*} This set is near and dear to my heart, because it is how I obtain nearly all my results. We will say more about inverses very soon, but it should be observed immediately that it is not the case that (F*)'=F'*, nor that (R*)'=R'*, etc. Each of the twelve elements in Q* are functions from g into g*. Much more interesting is the restriction of each element of Q* to g*, so that they are functions from g* into g*. We are treating each Q* as composed and not to be decomposed. You could think of elements of g that are not also elements of g* appearing briefly and virtually between the Q and the *, but each Q* is to be treated as from g* into g* without being decomposed. Can we do something like define the group G*=? The answer is no. I assume it will be totally obvious to many of you why not, but I have to think about it for a bit. Martin commented that the set of representatives could not be a group because the number of representatives does not divide the size of G. But it seems to me that Martin's argument only says that the representatives are not a subgroup of G. It seems to me that it does not say that there could not be a group constructed from the representatives. But nonetheless, I think it is quite easy to show that there is no way to make G* into a group. Before I go on, I suspect that many of you will object to me using the generator notation G*=, even with the caveat that G* is not a group. I probably agree, but I am not sure how else to convey the same idea quite so compactly. I simply want to define G* as the set of all compositions of elements of Q*. The compositions are all well defined, although they behave terribly. And G* must be finite, because g* is finite and there are only finitely many functions that can be defined on a finite set. I find the following argument that G* is not a group (and cannot be made into a group) compelling, although there might well be simpler arguments. Do any of the functions Q* have inverses? In order to do so, they would have to be one-to-one from g* onto g*. But i=i*, so i is in g*, and there is only one of the twelve elements of Q* which maps onto i. Hence, at least eleven of the twelve elements of Q* are not onto g*, and therefore do not have inverses. It is trivial do choose * in such a way that all twelve elements of Q* are not onto g*. However, I have not been able to decide if there is way to choose * such that one of the elements of Q* is onto g*. No doubt, somebody out there will have a trivial proof one way or the other. In any case, the general lack of inverses in Q* shows that G* cannot be made into a group. Even though G* is not a group, it is nonetheless an interesting structure. We can think of a "Cayley graph-like" structure where we connect nodes in g* with arcs from Q*. I am not sure if such a structure is properly called a Cayley graph, so just to be safe I will call it a Cayley* graph. As we have already seen, the identity state i*=i has only one neighbor in our Cayley* graph. Are there any other such states? Dan Hoey and Jim Saxe's _Symmetry and Local Maxima_ suggests that there might be 72 such states, namely those states which they call Q-transitive. A Q-transitive state has the characteristic that all its neighbors are M-conjugate. However, some of the Q-transitive states are themselves M-conjugate, so the 72 states collapse somewhat in our Cayley* graph. There are 4 states which are M-symmetric, and these states are distinct in our Cayley* graph. There are 20 states which are H-symmetric but not M-symmetric, but these states collapse into 10 states in our Cayley* graph. There are 48 states which are T-symmetric but not M-symmetric, but these states collapse into 12 states in our Cayley* graph. Hence, there are 26=4+10+12 nodes in our Cayley* graph which have only one neighbor. These figures are given right at the end of _Symmetry and Local Maxima_. They are also given by Martin Schoenert in _Re: Re: Re: Re: Models of the Cube_ on 1 February 1995. It has been thoroughly discussed that |X| = |X*| for all X in G. But of more import for the way I build my data bases is the question of whether for every x in g, will x* appear in my data base, given that I generate the data base as i. In other words, can any x* of length n be decomposed into i(Q_1*)(Q_2*)...(Q_n*)? I find this to be one of those things that is obvious yet is hard to explain. Hence, I will borrow the following explanation that was given to me by Dan Hoey. (Dan's version is much more elegant than mine. Any crud in the following is mine, not Dan's.) First of all, every x* in g* either is the identity or else has a neighbor in g which is closer to Start. If it is the identity, it is in (and indeed is the root of) the data base. Otherwise, we call the neighbor y and calculate y*. Again, y* is either the identity or else has a neighbor which is closer to Start. In this manner, we can backtrack our way to Start from any x*. However, there is not (yet) a guarantee that a forward search will find traverse the same path forwards and find x*, and hence not (yet) a proof that any of the path to x* except i itself is in the data base. We note that if y is a neighbor of x in g, then it is immediate that x is a neighbor of y as well. We need the same thing in g* in order to get a forward search that corresponds to the backwards search. That is, we need to show that if y* is a neighbor of x* in g*, then x* is a neighbor of y*. We now show that if y* is a neighbor of x* in g*, then x* is a neighbor of y* in g*. Observe that if v* = w* (i.e., if v and w are M-conjugates), then the neighbors of v and w are respective M-conjugates as well. Assume x* is not the identity and let y be a neighbor which is closer to Start. Then y* has a neighbor z with z*=x*. Hence, if y* is in the data base, then x* is in the data base, and we have neighbors in both directions. I think of the preceding result as follows. Even though the functions in G* are not individually ("locally") onto, the functions in G* are collectively ("globally") onto. Hence, there is an arc _from_ every node in the Cayley* graph, and there is an arc _to_ every node in the Cayley* graph, and you can get from anywhere to anywhere in the graph. The Cayley* graph is not a homomorphism of the Cayley graph (G* is not a subgroup of G, and is not even a group), but I think of G* as sort of passing the duck test for a homomorphism. That is, it looks like a homomorphism and smells like homomorphism, even though it isn't. (Personal opinion is that the duck test often fails in this manner). But G* is a collapsing of G which does encode an enormous amount of information about G. Roughly speaking, there are two definitions of permutation. The more informal definition is simply than a permutation is an arrangement (or re-arrangement) of objects --- e.g., the number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time. The more formal definition is that a permutation is a function on a set which is one-to-one and onto. Note that function on a finite set is one-to-one if and only if it is onto, so in dealing with the cube we can be a little sloppy at times and speak only of onto or only of one-to-one. All the elements in G are permutations and G is finite. It is therefore trivial to show that for every X in G, there is some integer n such that X^n=I. This means, among other things, that there exists some integer n such that i(X^n)=i (from Start, repeat a process enough times and you will return to Start) and y(X^n)=y (from any position, repeat a process enough times and you will return to the same position). The least such n for each X is the order of X, and considerable discussion has occurred in this forum concerning the order of various elements of G. Once again, things become a bit more unruly when we talk about G* instead of G. The elements of G* are not permutations because they are not onto. So consider what happens when we calculate something like (X*)^n. As a specific example, consider i(R*)^n. If iR*=r', then i(R*)^n simply oscillates back and forth between i and r'. But if * is chosen so that iR* does not equal r', then all bets are off. i(R*)^n will enter a loop eventually, but it will never return to i. To understand its exact behavior, we would have to be specific rather than arbitrary about the definition of *. Similarly, x*(R*)^n might well never return to x*, but it would loop eventually. These "eventual loops" rather remind me of strange attractors. My data bases are of the form i, for example iR*L'*U'*R'*, etc. As I have discussed before, backtracking through such a structure is a bit tricky. Suppose, for example that you have x* in hand and wish to backtrack to i. The way to do it that works best for me is as follows: begin with x*; find x*(Q_1)* that is closer to Start; find x*(Q_1)(Q_2)* that is closer to start (most definitely NOT x*(Q_1)*(Q_2)*); find x*(Q_1)(Q_2)(Q_3)* that is closer to Start (most definitely NOT x*(Q_1)*(Q_2)*(Q_3)*; etc. It is doable in the fashion I said NOT to do, but it is extremely tricky. You will have the sensation (as I have described before) that your solution is rotating and reflecting out from under you. The first way is much easier to keep up with. Finally, how big is G*? Remember that g and G are the same size. Write the restriction of G* to i as iG*. There is clearly a one-to-one mapping between g* and iG*, and indeed we can identify g* with iG* in the same manner in which we identify g with G. But in iG*, all the elements of Q* are equivalent. When we allow the domain of G* to be the entirety of g*, then the elements of Q* are not equivalent. Hence, there are at least eleven more elements in G* than in g*. I don't know how to calculate the size of G*. But when Dan Hoey calculated the real size of the cube space, he calculated the size of g*, not the size of G*. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Robert G. Bryan (Jerry Bryan) (304) 293-5192 Associate Director, WVNET (304) 293-5540 fax 837 Chestnut Ridge Road BRYAN@WVNVM Morgantown, WV 26505 BRYAN@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU