From Sun Mar 2 02:53:57 1997 Return-Path: Received: from (localhost []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id CAA04211; Sun, 2 Mar 1997 02:53:56 -0500 Precedence: bulk Errors-To: Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 00:50:27 -0500 (EST) From: Jerry Bryan Subject: An Enhancelment for Shamir with M-conjugacy To: Cube-Lovers Message-id: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT I now have a functioning Shamir program. I do not consider it quite up to production quality just yet. I am still working on a number of improvements. Also, all the results that are easily accessible to the program have already been calculated by other means, so I have no new search results to report at this time. I do expect some new results from time to time, but the runs will probably take weeks or months. However, in the process of developing the program, I came up with an enhancement which I wished to report. Recall that the heart of the Shamir method is a mechanism which will for all s in S and all t in T produce all products st in lexicographic order. This basic mechanism can be applied in a number of ways. For example, it can be applied to the problem of determining a minimal solution for a particular position. It can also be applied to the problem of conducting a breadth first exhaustive search. The former is the basic method developed by Shamir and first reported to this group by Alan Bawden. The latter is the problem which I am currently addressing. As already reported in several previous messages, my implementation of Shamir seeks to incorporate M-conjugacy to the maximum extent possible to reduce memory requirements. As such, it does not store the sets S and T. Rather, it stores the sets A and B, where A and B contain only representative elements of the M-conjugacy classes which are contained in S and T, respectively. A and B are about 48 times smaller than S and T. However, we cannot obtain any meaningful results using only A and B. Rather, A and B have to be expanded by M-conjugation to produce S and T. That is, we represent S as A^M and T as B^M. There are no fewer positions, but only three bytes or so are required to represent each position in A^M and B^M. So we produce products st in lexicographic order for s in A^M and t in B^M. This model is slow, but it is small. At the back end of the algorithm, we determine which st values are representatives and which are not. Those which are, we keep. Those which are not, we simply discard. In my earlier messages about combining Shamir with M-conjugacy, I lamented the difficulty of producing representatives in lexicographic order. Simply discarding non-representatives is a crude but effective way to accomplish the goal. It is not quite as good as not producing the non-representatives in the first place, but it is a good bit better than nothing. As an example of the "better than nothing" idea, the Shamir method does not directly produce ST in lexicographic order. Rather, it produces St in lexicographic order for each t in T. The results then have to be merged. The non-representatives are discarded prior to the merge, so that 48 times fewer positions have to be merged. Also, the products st are tested byte by byte as they are produced to determine if they are representatives. It is usually possible to determine that a position is not a representative after no more than two or three bytes, so there are some efficiencies in the process of discarding non-representatives. That is, the only products st which are calculated in their entirety are those for representatives. The enhancement I want to report is that it is possible to discard entire branches of the Shamir tree without examining any of the nodes in the branch except the root of the branch. That is, it is possible to show that entire branches of the tree contain only non-representatives. Such branches can be pruned from the search without examining any of the nodes individually. Approximately 47/48 of the search tree can be eliminated from the search tree in this manner. Unfortunately, the speed up is not times forty-eight as I hoped, but it is significant nonetheless. The model is an S24xS24 model with S24 acting on 0..23. The corners are therefore vectors of the form [a,b,c,....], which means 0->a, 1->b, 2->c, etc. The identity is [0,1,2,....]. We focus on the corners because we consider the order of the corners first in our lexicographic order, using the order of the edges only to break ties on the corners. We call a representative element of each M-conjugacy class a canonical form, and all other elements we call non-canonical. The nature of the Shamir search is that it produces successively more complete partial permutations as a tree is searched. That is, it produces [a,?,?,...] at the zeroth level of the tree, [a,b,?,?,...] at the first level of the tree, [a,b,c,?,?,...] at the second level of the tree, and so forth until a complete permutation is constructed. The enhancement to the method consists of determining which of the partial permutations are canonical, which are non-canonical, and which are neither. A partial permutation is canonical if all daughter nodes are canonical, a partial permutation is non-canonical if all daughter nodes are non-canonical, and a partial permutation is neither if there are daughter nodes of both types. >From a theoretical point of view, the type of each node could be determined by examining each daughter and backing up the results appropriately, similar to an alpha-beta search. From a practical point of view, the whole purpose is to determine the type of node without examining any of the daughters. And in practice, we only detect non-canonical nodes vs. other than non-canonical nodes. There is no disadvantage to this procedure because it is only the non-canonical nodes which we wish to eliminate from the search. Determining non-canonical nodes depends both on the particular numbering scheme which is used for the cube facelets and also upon the particular representative element function which is chosen. We number the Front corner facelets of the cube as follows: 0 1 3 2 The Back corner facelets are then numbered 4..7, with opposite facelets summing to 7. All other facelets are numbered by adding 8 to the Front or Back facelet as you look at the facelets of the cubie in clockwise order. For example, the flt cubie is (0,8,16), and the ftr cubie is (1,9,17). The representative element function returns the M-conjugate which of all the elements in the M-conjugacy class is first in lexicographic order. Consider the partial permutation [0,?,?,...]. Its M-conjugates are of the form [?,1,?,?...], [?,?,2,?,?,...], [?,?,?,3,?,?,...], etc. It is easy to see that if a representative begins with 0, then there is at least one of the eight corner cubies somewhere in the cube which is properly positioned, both with respect to location and with respect to twist. Also, it is easy to see that the partial permutation [0,?,?,...] has both canonical and non-canonical forms as daughters. But consider the partial permutations [1,?,?,...] and [3,?,?,...]. They are conjugate, but the canonical form is [1,?,?,...]. Hence, no canonical form can begin with 3. Therefore, we eliminate all permutations which begin with 3 from the search, and we have eliminated 1/24 of the search tree. I have calculated a table of non-canonical cutoff points for the corners. The results are as follows. Notice that not all cutoffs are at the zeroth level of the tree as is the cutoff for 3, but nonetheless there are 17 cutoffs at the zeroth level. That means that there are only 7 (out of 24) ways to begin a canonical permutation. Level Noncanonical Positions Nodes Trimmed i= 0 count= 17 62460720 i= 1 count= 63 11022480 i= 2 count= 487 4733640 i= 3 count= 7610 4931280 i= 4 count= 17830 962820 i= 5 count= 138978 833868 i= 6 count= 622745 622745 Total trimmed 85567553 The positions trimmed figure is based on a corners only search, just to give a sense of proportion to the numbers. The corners only group contains about 88 million positions. For the complete cube, the numbers would be larger, but the proportions would be the same. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Robert G. Bryan (Jerry Bryan) Pellissippi State (423) 539-7127 10915 Hardin Valley Road (423) 694-6435 (fax) P.O. Box 22990 Knoxville, TN 37933-0990